Attention: Wine & Tapas cancelled for Saturday, February 15th. See details.
Meet Reverend Drew Ebersole and our licensed practitioners. Our practitioners are available for coaching and prayer requests.
Meet Reverend Drew Ebersole and our licensed practitioners. Our practitioners are available for coaching and prayer requests.
Meet Reverend Drew Ebersole and our licensed practitioners. Our practitioners are available for coaching and prayer requests.
Rev. Drew’s expertise, authenticity and heart-centered passion are unmistakable. His ministry, life, and professional work are powerful examples of the potency of the principles that are at the core of CSL teaching.
A leader in transformation, he coaches and trains executives and leaders at all levels, helping to impact lives personally and professionally. His widely varied professional experiences include executive leader, coach, minister, actor and teacher. He is an inspiration and an example of love-in-action.
He deeply loves his wife, CJ, and son, Max, and feels blessed and grateful every single day for their love.
He is committed to helping others discover and understand their purpose, passion, and the wonder of being alive. The ultimate goal is creating a world that thrives in harmony – where everyone is vital and celebrated!​​

Meet the Practitioners
Practitioners are trained and licensed spiritual coaches and prayer partners. They use spiritual principles of wholeness, goodness, love and wisdom when working with clients. Talk to a Practitioner for inspiration or celebration of a major life event or for healing any area of your life including finances, relationships, health or career.
They may be self-employed professionals and/or volunteers in service to our spiritual community. As volunteers they pray with you following the Celebration Service. They also offer Tuneups on the fifth Sunday of the month following the service. Tuneups are short, free professional sessions. Any prayer requests received on Sunday or via email are supported by practitioners. Practitioners also serve on the platform leading prayers and blessings.
Phone Treatments Available
Practitioners are available for prayer treatments and individual spiritual consultations. Our calling is to be of service, and we look forward to working with you to shift consciousness! In lieu of treatments at in person services, you may call us for prayer:
Laura Lee Bentle
(509) 481-5657

Laura Lee Bentle, RScP is a walking wonder. She has not just bounced back from adversity, she has actually bounced forward. She has mastered the art of overcoming challenges and does so with clear truth, deep compassion, and pure joy. She has dedicated her life to help others do the same.
She is Eastern Band Cherokee Nation and brings a wealth of native wisdom to her expertise as a Practitioner, teacher, and mindfulness instructor. Come learn from a very accomplished and experienced human being, as she weaves her deep experiences with foundational philosophies from Science of Mind - and does so with humor, vulnerability and love. She is a treasure and will generously share that treasure with you. It will be worth every moment of your time. You will discover a rich structure for improving your life today.
Susan Blake
(253) 778-0684

Susan Blake recently returned from an extended work/life adventure. CSL Tacoma has been her home church that she found many years ago in which her son grew up, she became a practitioner, taught many classes and has experienced amazing growth - as a person, a mother, practitioner and Soul. She is so very happy to re-connect and see what adventure is within.
She is a force for good in our world, and has been able to weave many practices and interests into a luscious spiritual community! She has a wealth of wisdom, compassion and kindness which springs eternal from her soul. Yoga, dance, food prep, hiking, teaching, and self- discovery though connections, relationships, heartaches, and truth are hallmarks for Susan. She looks forward to making new connections, supporting others and community, teaching, praying and simply just being.
Ona Chambers
(541) 556-6406

Suzanne Frazier
(253) 221-2873

J. Michael Gautney
(920) 460-2768

Bev Holland
(253) 606-7009

Bev Holland, RScP, is a role model for using spiritual practices to create the life you want. A teacher and practitioner for over 20-years, she effortlessly blends every aspect of her life with being on a pathway to abundance. She is gentle but powerful - like water. Bev walks the path of Center for Spiritual Living teachings gently. She uses her thoughts, mind and actions to either flow with the greater good or can shape the mountains with the power of her word. She has traversed many challenges with grace, dignity, vulnerability and strength. Come learn from her vast experience as she holds each person she teaches with profound compassion and encouragement.
Steve Potts
(360) 359-0854

Steve Potts, RScP, is a role model for embracing what you are given, then, using Spiritual Mind Treatment to inject fuel into your dreams. He walks the talk. He vulnerably, expertly, and deftly lives and teaches the philosophies of Science of Mind that can literally turn your life around. His own remarkable journey is living proof. His deep commitment to helping others is abundantly clear.
Mona Williams
(510) 290-4537

Mona Williams, RScP, is a powerful force for good. She has a rich history of accomplishment. Through extensive study and practice she has mastered application of the philosophies that demonstrate the potency of putting spirituality into action in your life.
Mona‘s life path is a demonstration of how what she teaches really works. She will show you how the power of mental equivalents can make a difference for you.
Mona is engaging, wise, insightful, humorous, and will show you that you are capable of anything you choose to do. You will treasure every moment you spend with her as you discover an approach to transform your life.

Practitioners at the Center for Spiritual Living-Tacoma offer powerful spiritual mind treatment for your individual prayer request. This treatment method is taught in the book Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes.
Submit your request by email in this form. Be sure to provide details of what you want prayerful treatment for and indicate whether you wish a reply. Each request is confidential.